Monday, 23 March 2009



Do you guys ever acctually post on this thing? I'm getting bored of seeing my post as the only one!

Anyway, found a picture that had been bugging me for a while:

I thought these were the tau sniper teams, but turns out they're just Pathfinders with railguns so meh, they look pretty sweet though.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to these bitches; someone please press play and let Flight Of The Valkeries ring out. Bell of lost souls has reported a variant which sports 3 twin-linked lascannons and coming in squadrons of up to 3 at a total point cost of 390pts make them a truely vicious tank hunter unit >:)

I get the feeling that they are trying to make players want to have absolutly enourmous armies to play something like Apocalypse games with. Wig, we're gonna need a room for all this crap....

Gimme something to read bitches!

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