Friday, 15 May 2009

Jon! hold my hand it's getting dark

captain: 120pts
combi-flamer, power sword, power armour, iron halo

10 man tactical squad: 175

flamer, plasma cannon

dreadnought: 125

plasma cannon, twin-linked autocannon

5 man scout squad: 75ts

sniper rifles

I think with my love for plasma cannons i should have done a dark angles chapter


POONTANG said...

consider your hand held.

Not that I'm prejucdice, but I don't like flamers. They anger me.

POONTANG said...
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The Hands of fate said...

Not even twin linked. And hang on has paul posted summit again!?

POONTANG said...

My god he has!

My angle on flamers is the range; if they're close enough to use a flame template, they're too close.

For marines I spose its not to much of a problem, but for Tau or Guard it's a little more of an issue.