Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Attempt number two!

Why hello,
Fancy seeing you here. Or not as the case may be...

Anyway, been experimenting with my army list and considering that even though a 1000pts is quite a few points, its still not really enough to enjoy the luxury of masses of expensive wargear so I stripped down all the squads to the bare minimum to see how much plain fire power I could fit in.

Total Point Cost 1000
Section Unit Specific model Wargear Points
Company Command Squad 50
Autocannon Team 10
Master of Ordanance 30
Two Bodyguards 30

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad 30
Infantry Squad 50
Infantry Squad 50
Infantry Squad 50
Infantry Squad 50
Heavy Weapons Squad 60
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Weapons Squad 60
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Weapons Squad 60
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Weapons Squad 60
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5
Heavy Bolter 5

Veteran Squad 70

Fast Attack
Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron
Valkyrie 100
Heavy Bolter Sponsons 10
Mulitple Rocket Pods 30
Valkyrie 100
Heavy Bolter Sponsons 10
Mulitple Rocket Pods 30

Nothing fancy, I've excluded the astropath and officer of the fleet for the simple reason that they'd be more suited to a larger game with more reliance on reserves than a smaller game with mostly set peice formations. The units that are going to deep strike from their side aren't going to be much more than a vastly outnumbered/outgunned attempt at a flanking manouver and by the 5th turn they arrive automatically whether the officer of the fleet is there or not. A bit of a waste of 30pts in this situation.

Vice versa, since the only units that are deepstriking now are my valkyries theres not really much point in using the astropath, since they'll arrive together (they're in the same squadron) and it doesn't really matter what turn they arrive on.
Stormtroopers aren't making an appearance, their weapons are for killing heavy infantry not swarms and that makes them a bit of an extravagance, which is a shame coz I like them :(!

No hydra, just a second valkyrie, and two more heavy weapons teams making that now 48 heavy bolter rounds per turn if both valkyries stay in close proximity to the heavy squads.

And finally, its bang on 1000pts so I don't need a borrowed point, woo!

Suggestions welcome.
Peace in the middle east brothers.

1 comment:

The Hands of fate said...

That'll do pig. That'll do.